If You Are Fat, Then You Need to Know About Visceral Fat

A man's belly with a tape measure around it.

For those that have experienced weight gain, you should know that fat cells are stored in 3 ways – essential, subcutaneous, and then there is visceral fat.

Visceral fat is dangerous body fat that can cause serious health problems if not dealt with.

Unfortunately, visceral fat is often invisible to the naked eye, and many people are unaware they have it until it is too late.

Using this guide will help you identify what visceral fat looks like on your own body and how to prevent or reduce its growth in the future.

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A man holding his belly. Visceral fat.

What Is Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat, and it can be found in many different areas of our body. It’s located deep inside your abdomen, around internal organs such as your pancreas or liver, which explains why you are more at risk for diabetes than someone with less visceral tissue.

Visceral fat has been linked to an increased heart disease risk while also affecting cognitive function negatively over time, so make sure that this area does not become a major problem. For now, try focusing on tightening up muscles near other vital organs like your midsection, shoulders, backsides, hip sockets, wrists, ankles, etc.

And reduce unhealthy food intake by reducing sugar content from high caloric density snacks.

What does Visceral Fat Look Like on Your Body?

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat because it is found in our stomachs, intestines, and other organs. Visceral adipose cells produce hormones that can make you gain weight more quickly than any other kind.

A visceral layer or sheath surrounds many vital internal structures like nerves which leave them vulnerable to inflammation from what we eat or when we do not consume enough vitamins for energy needs.

An emergency sign.

The Dangers of Visceral Fat

The following are the dangers of this fat that you need to tackle right away.

1. Heart Disease and Diabetes

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat. It can lead to heart disease and diabetes because it causes insulin resistance, which in turn makes for a host of health issues, including high blood pressure.

It can also increase cholesterol levels as well as weight gain around your abdomen area known medically-as “apple shape” rather than pear/pear-shaped figure that many people think they have when they have too much stomach or hip flesh.

2. Inflammation

Visceral fat cells can actively produce substances that cause inflammation in other parts of your body.

Not all forms or types of fatty tissue are created equal. Some might be better than others for specific activities like running marathons.

While other fats may lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes if not adequately managed by dieting over time.

A great way to control levels of inflammation is with Life Extension’s Cytokine Suppress with EGCC Vegetarian Capsules. This amazing clinically researched supplement will,

  • Help control levels of inflammatory cytokines that assist in immune system health.
  • Promotes a healthy inflammatory response.
Life Extension Cytokine Suppress with EGCG, inflammation.
Visceral Fat

3. Production of Bad Cholesterol

Visceral fat can be worse than unhealthy cholesterol for your heart. This type of body fat is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or diabetes. Because it produces inflammatory chemicals that raise blood pressure and interfere with insulin function, leading to weight gain.

All factors are known contributors to poor habits where disease thrives!

4. Developing Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease

One’s risk for developing dementia is high due to visceral fat. The more of this type you have, the greater your chances that it will lead and develop into Alzheimer’s Disease or at least be a detrimental factor in someone who already has these disorders, such as with a family history.

The increase from having higher quantity can come about through many factors, including genetics and lifestyle choices. Like dieting less than what one should be doing if they want healthy cognitive abilities with later onset symptoms when compared to others not experiencing those issues.

How to Get Rid of Visceral Fat

To reduce or prevent the growth of this deadly fat, follow this guide.

1. Limit Your Consumption of Refined Sugars

To prevent visceral fat, limit your consumption of refined sugars.

Get the sugar out!

This means no more added sugars like high-fructose corn syrup in processed foods or honey as a sweetener for tea. Eat natural sources such as fruit and raw vegetables, which are naturally delicious without making you sluggish because they contain nutrients like fiber. Read our blog on 13 Life-Changing Reasons to Cut Out Added Sugars.

2. Increase The Number of Fruits and Vegetables

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body adipose tissue. It is also where a lot of our unhealthy weight goes, which means it needs to go.

You can start by making sure you include plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet and reduce lousy cholesterol like LDL-C with a healthy lifestyle overall. For example, staying away from processed foods or eating more whole grains instead.

This will reduce visceral fats and at least some other types, too, perhaps subcutaneous ones.

3. Balanced and Healthy Breakfast

Eating a well-balanced breakfast is an easy way to prevent visceral fat. There are so many different options when it comes time for your morning meal and what you should eat.

For example, oatmeal contains carbohydrates that will give energy and fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels in people who have diabetes.

Or other medical conditions where they need increased awareness of their intake patterns because too little carbohydrate can result in feeling listless or fatigued throughout the day.

4. Include Exercise in Your Daily Routine

The best way to avoid visceral fat is by regularly exercising. Visceral adipose tissue coats your internal organs and surrounds significant blood vessels which can lead to excess weight gain and heart disease or diabetes symptoms such as high cholesterol levels, both common health problems in developed countries around the world today.

To keep yourself trim without sacrificing any of these things, one must exercise daily; even just thirty minutes per day would be enough for most people. Read our blog, Why Exercise is Important After the Age of 40.

Check out this great video from the Fit Father Project: How To Lose Visceral Fat – It’s Not As Hard As You Think!

Final Words

Now you know what is visceral fat and how to get rid of visceral fat. Remember, visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat because it can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It is often associated with excess weight, but visceral fat can also develop in lean or thin people if they do not exercise regularly.

If you are worried about your visceral fat levels, and want to learn more about how to live a healthier lifestyle, join our email list Best Men’s Health and Lifestyle and get valuable information delivered to your inbox. We are always providing information and making recommendations for improving your diet and increasing physical activity so that you can reduce those risk factors.

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Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

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