If You Have Done 10 of These Strategies, Then You are Living Healthy


As a man over 40, you want to start living healthy. You’re feeling excited, but you want to know how to begin and get some momentum? There are many health strategies that can help you out in the long run.

Best Men’s Health and Lifestyle has identified practices that promote a healthy lifestyle that is easy to implement now. Here are 12 strategies that will keep you on track with your goals and living healthy.

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1: Set Realistic Goals

Strategy #1 in living healthy: When you’re trying to stick with a healthy routine, it’s important to set realistic goals. If your goal is to lose weight and you only have a week to do it, you’re going to be disappointed when you don’t meet that goal. However, if your goal is to gradually lose weight over the next few months, then you’re more likely to succeed.

Be realistic about what you can achieve and how much time you have to devote to your goal. When you set realistic goals, it’s easier to stay motivated and stick with your routine.

man in black long sleeve shirt sleeping in front of a computer
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

2: Get Enough Sleep

Strategy #2 in living healthy: If you’re not getting enough sleep, it’s going to be difficult to stick with your healthy routine. You need to get at least eight hours of sleep every night in order for your body and mind to function properly. If you’re exhausted, it’s going to be hard to exercise or eat healthy food because you won’t have the energy required.

Make sure that you’re getting a full eight hours of sleep each night so that your body can recover, and you’ll be able to stick with your routine. Read my blog, The Importance of Sleep for Better Health.

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3: Track Your Progress

Strategy #3 in living healthy: Tracking your progress is a great way to see how far you’ve come. If you track everything that you do on a daily, it’s easier for you to stick with your healthy strategies because they will be documented in black and white. You’ll know exactly what changes are happening when they happen instead of waiting months or years before you see any progress.

Use a journal, app, or website to track your progress so that you can always be aware of how well you’re doing. This will help keep you motivated and on track with your goals.

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4: Keep Your Healthy Routines Simple

Strategy #4 in living healthy: When you have a busy schedule, it can be hard to stick with your healthy lifestyle. However, if you keep things simple and don’t overdo it, then sticking with your routine will be easier for you. For example, instead of going on an hour-long run every day after work or cooking complicated meals that take a long time, try doing a shorter run or cooking something simple that doesn’t take too much time.

If you keep your routines simple, it will be easier to stick with them, and you won’t feel overwhelmed. This is a great strategy for people who are busy but still want to stay healthy.

Healthy Living Strategies
Men's health workout partner

5. Get an Accountability Partner

Strategy #5 in living healthy: If you’re trying to stick with your routine, it can be helpful to have an accountability partner. This is someone who will help keep you on track and make sure that you’re meeting your goals. They can be a friend, family member, or coworker – anyone who is willing to help.

When you have someone there to support you, it’s easier to stick with your routine. They can provide encouragement and motivation when you need it the most.

a man in a black suit holding a trophy and pointing with his finger
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

6: Reward Yourself

Strategy #6 in living healthy: When you stick with your healthy strategies and reach a goal or milestone, don’t forget to reward yourself! This is a great way to stay motivated and push yourself even further. When you know that there’s something good waiting for you at the end, you’ll be more likely to stick with your routine.

Make sure that your rewards are healthy and don’t sabotage all of your hard work. For example, instead of eating a piece of cake, reward yourself with a new pair of running shoes or an afternoon at the spa.

a person putting a golf ball with tee on green grass
Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

7: Take Breaks

Strategy #7 in living healthy: Don’t forget to take breaks! It’s okay to stray away from your routine occasionally. Don’t feel guilty if you’re not sticking with it for an entire week or month – just pick things back up when you can.

If you take the time off that you need, then it will be easier for you to stick with your healthy lifestyle. Don’t push yourself too hard, or you’ll burn out and give up before you’re ready to quit.

Goals for Healthy Living Strategies

8. Set Small Goals

Strategy #8 in living healthy: Don’t set enormous goals that you can’t reach. If you’re not used to working out and eating healthy meals, then it will be difficult for your body to adjust quickly. That’s why it’s important to make incremental changes instead of going from zero-to-sixty overnight. This will help prevent injury or sickness because your body can adjust to the changes as you make them.

When setting small goals, it’s easier for you to see your progress because there will be less of an adjustment period. This makes sticking with your routine much more feasible and realistic for busy people who don’t have time every day to work out or cook a healthy meal.

man doing hand stand
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

9: Make Your Healthy Lifestyle Fun

Strategy #9 in living healthy: Another healthy living strategy is to make your healthy routine fun and is a great way to stay motivated and stick with it. There are tons of different ways for you to make things interesting – whether that’s hosting themed yoga classes or watching fitness-themed TV shows together as a family.

It’s important to find new activities so that sticking with your routine doesn’t feel like a chore. When you’re enjoying yourself, it will be much easier to stick with your health goals.

10: Find a Role Model

Strategy #10 in living healthy: When you’re feeling lost or uncertain about the best way to proceed with your healthy lifestyle, find a role model! This is someone who has been successful in reaching their own health goals and can provide guidance and support.

When you have someone to look up to, it’s easier to stay on track. They can offer advice and motivation when you need it the most. Plus, they can be a great source of inspiration!

A kid pointing at a mug that says see the good/ Healthy Living Strategies, stay positive.

11. Stay Positive

Strategy #11 in living healthy: When you follow healthy living strategies you feel motivated and positive about your healthy lifestyle, and it is easier to stick with it. When you’re feeling negative or discouraged, then those feelings might trickle into other areas of your life as well – which can make sticking with a routine even more difficult.

Some people find that by listening to their favorite music or staying in a positive environment, they’re more likely to stick with their routine. Make sure that you find what works best for you and stick with it!

man and woman practicing plyometrics
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

12: Get a Friend Involved

Strategy #12 in living healthy: One of the best ways to stick with your healthy routine is to get a friend involved. When you have someone there to help keep you accountable, it’s much easier to stay on track. Plus, working out and eating healthy together can be a lot of fun!

When choosing a friend, make sure that they are going to be supportive and helpful. If they’re not interested in staying healthy, then it will just keep you both from reaching your goals – instead of making them easier for one or the other person to achieve.


Q: What if I’m struggling to stay motivated?

A: If you’re struggling to stick with your routine for living healthy, it might be helpful to find a support group or talk to a professional about your goals. Sometimes it’s difficult for people to stay on track without any help or guidance. When you have someone there to support and encourage you, it will be much easier to stick with your routine for longer!

Q: What if I’m not used to exercising?

A: If you’re just starting out, then it might be difficult at first. However, the more often that you work out or eat healthy meals consistently, the more natural it will become over time. When you stay consistent and make incremental changes, your body will start to adjust, and it won’t be as difficult living healthy.

Q: What if I’m not sure what to do?

A: If you’re feeling lost or uncertain, it might be helpful to find a coach. This is someone who has been successful in reaching their own health goals and can provide guidance and support for living healthy. When you have someone to look up to, it’s easier to stay on track. They can offer advice and motivation when you need it the most. Plus, they can be a great source of inspiration!

Q: What if I’m not seeing results?

A: If you’re working hard but not seeing any physical changes, then it might be helpful to change up your routine slightly. Sometimes people hit plateaus and don’t see any changes for a while. It’s helpful to keep things interesting by trying out new activities and working with different people.

Q: Is there anything else I should know about living healthy?

A: Having a positive attitude when you’re working toward your goals is really important! It’s easy for people to get discouraged or feel like they’ll never reach their goal – so staying positive is key. When you’re happy with your progress, it will be much easier to stick with your routine in the long run!

Final Thought

These are just a few of the many different ways that you can mentally prepare yourself to stick with your healthy lifestyle for living healthy. By using some or all of these tips, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your goals!

Go to the comment section and let us know your thoughts.

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Photo by Victor Freitas and Clark Tibbs and Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

3 responses to “If You Have Done 10 of These Strategies, Then You are Living Healthy”

  1. […] 12 Best Healthy Living Strategies for a Healthy Lifestyle in 2022 […]

  2. Great post. I particularly enjoyed the point about having a simple routine. I don’t just have simple routines, but even my workout programmes themselves are simple too. I find that helps me actually get started rather than having something too complicated that I dread going through. Anyway, thanks for this post!

    1. Thank you!
      In the past, I would work out for hours and I loved it.
      But now I find that when I keep it simple and short (30 – 45 min), I get great results, I remain motivated, and I don’t dread working out. The great part is, I am able to better manage my time, and I still love it!

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